неділя, 24 травня 2015 р.

Historiography of the Literary Science

Dear colleagues!
On September, 25, 2015 in the Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovich
will take place the XIІth International Scientific Conference dedicated to
the seventieth anniversary of the department of world literature and theory of literature


Basic thematic directions:
1. Literary historiography.
2. Formation of the philology schools.
3. Scientific schools in the Ukrainian literary criticism.
4. Biographies of famous scientists.
5. Study of the artist biography.

The Conference working languages are Ukrainian, Russian, English.

For participating in the conference the dead line for submission of applications is June, 30, 2015.
Send your applications to the given e-mail.

Application format:
ü Last name, name, and patronymic (fully).
ü Academic degree, academic title, position, institution.
ü Contact address and phone numbers.

ü Theme of the report indicating the approximate heading
ü Abstracts (from 1500 to 2000 printed characters with spaces)

The participants will be notified of the inclusion of the report in the Conference program by July, 30. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to decline the report, which does not correspond to the theme of the Conference.
Registration fee 250 UAH (includes: publication of printed matters, preparation of the cultural program, lunch, coffee break) is payed on receipt of the notice about the acceptance of the report. The payment procedure will be notified additionally.
Travel and accommodation at the expense of the delegating organization.

Materials submitted to the conference (drawn in accordance with certain requirements) will be accepted during the registration of participants and will be accepted to consideration by an editorial board of the collected articles “Pytannia literaturoznavstva (“Problems of Literary Criticism”) (professional scientific edition: http://pytlit.blogspot.com).

Scientific supervisor of the conference-project
Head of the department, professor Olha Chervinska,
professor PETRO RYCHLO

Secretary of the Organizing Committee
Roman Dzyk